Month: August 2024

5 General Problem Solving Ideas that you can consider to help you make more money in this current tough economy.

1) Consider taking on remote jobs (locally or globally) that you can add value to and will make you make more money. – This is 2024. The world, as we know is has totally shifted and changed, the excuses our forefathers had, and we have it no more. With COVID’19 came to rise and the […]

How to Make More Money in this Economy without “adding” an extra skill, but maximizing the skill(s) you already have.

What skills do you have? More importantly, what 5 problems can you solve with this skill that can make you money? For example, If you know how to drive, here are 5 problems you can solve and 5 ways you can make more money. 1) You can drive people to their destination daily through your […]

Title – Problem Solving and its direct correlation to making you more money.

The best way to think of problem-solving and value creation is like this: Every day or at least every week, you spend money to purchase something that you need and consider important in your life. Whether it is a bag of water, food items, groceries, or calling the electrician to repair something for you in […]

How to move your finances from a place of financial struggles to a place of place of financial soaring in the midst of poverty, hardship, and inflation in Nigeria

  …..The prices of things continue to double every day. The reality is now New Day, New Price,meanwhile salaries and incomes are not growing but frustration, anger, and definitely depression is on the rise. Today and for the next 5 weeks or so, Allow me to take you through practical ways you can use to […]

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