5 General Problem Solving Ideas that you can consider to help you make more money in this current tough economy.

1) Consider taking on remote jobs (locally or globally) that you can add value to and will make you make more money. –

This is 2024.
The world, as we know is has totally shifted and changed, the excuses our forefathers had, and we have it no more.
With COVID’19 came to rise and the permanent stay of remote job opportunities that is now helping lift the lives of some Nigerians in a country where there unfortunate consequences from bad governance.

The thing about these jobs, though, is that they expect you to be qualified, and there are things they look out for for them to accept you in.
– Your Skillset
– Your Experience
– The results you have delivered in previous organizations

To get started with being positioned for a remote job, it is important that you decide on what industry you want to serve in.
Is it Customer Service? Or Business Analysis? Or Social Media Management?

Where exactly do you want to work?
Curate your CV according to the problem you want to solve and start applying.
Be very specific.
Don’t just start sending random CVs to random jobs.

Here are some websites that offer remote jobs are;


{📍 Please note that these websites are verified remote job websites shared only today because they are relevant to today’s episode, i have no personal affiliation or gain with/from these companies.}

If you don’t know how to get started with this, there are coaches who now help people with CV revamping that increases your remote job opportunities better, search out those coaches on Social Media and find one that you like and can afford.

Of course you will pay for their services, because they are solving a problem, but the payment you are making is nothing compared to the money you will make when you get the job.

This is a practical way you can combine with what you currently do now to make more money.

Some of these sites do not even need CVs and Certificates.

Some examples of remote jobs you can get are;

– Teaching
– Customer Service (Most Popular for Nigerians)
– Social Media Management (Most Popular for Nigerians)
– Business Analysis
– Data Entry
– Virtual Assistant
– Survey Response
– Community Manager
– Content Creation and Writing,
etc ……..

These are the most popular, but there are more.

To earn from any of these categories you have to curate your CV, Skill-Up and organize your journey towards one of these paths so that you can be seen as a valuable asset to any organization that you are applying to.

In the next installment, we would continue with numbers 2 – 5 on problem solving ideas you can get started on to make more money in this tough economy.

Money doesn’t respond to tears, fears, frustration, anger, or even pity.
Money is attracted to problem solvers and value adders.

Money gravitates towards VALUE and Problem Solving and Making more money is not about “chasing money” but throwing yourself into strategically solving problems and adding real value to people’s life, no matter how slow it starts, if you keep at it, you will start “attracting money” that will steadily build wealth for you with this elevate mindset and momentum.

See you in the next installment next week Thursday.

This Piece was Created, Written and Shared by,
SAGNEL (Nkechi Emmanuel-Layode) 2024©️ as a Teaching Series for the Members of WONDIVA Global Community.

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5 General Problem Solving Ideas that you can consider to help you make more money in this current tough economy.

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