How to move your finances from a place of financial struggles to a place of place of financial soaring in the midst of poverty, hardship, and inflation in Nigeria


…..The prices of things continue to double every day.

The reality is now New Day, New Price,meanwhile salaries and incomes are not growing but frustration, anger, and definitely depression is on the rise.

Today and for the next 5 weeks or so,

Allow me to take you through practical ways you can use to manage and multiply your personal and family finance while we all continue to hold the government accountable.

Here are;

📍5 ways to survive through the current economic hardship in Nigeria.

(Part 1)

1) Be realistic about where you are;

To move to where you desire to be financially, you have got to determine clearly where you truly are (your current state and season)

Where are you?

– What is your current financial situation? (Your Current Financial State)

– Where do you desire to grow to? (Your Financial Desires and Dreams)

– How can you practically get there? (Your Financial Plan)

– What are the obstacles that are currently stopping you from getting there?

-(Your Challenges)

📍 These are basic questions that if you don’t answer and you can’t answer, you can never grow, financially.

After realistically and simply answering these questions, go further to do this.


– Determine what your Income is.

{Write it out plainly, look it in the face and let it look you in the face}

– Determine what your expenses are.

{Write it out plainly, look it in the face and let it look you in the face}

If your expense is more than your income, you have got to do two things.

1) Cut down on your expense.

2) Increase your income

These you have to do with immediate effect.

Before I break it down,

Increasing your income may require moving to a job that pays better/higher or finding other streams of income in addition to what you currently have.

Finding other streams of income in addition to what you have is always the best option as it helps you live beyond the uncertainty of losing your job.

Cutting down on expense where needed is very important, but I won’t dwell too much on that because with the current state of things in Nigeria, it can be nearly impossible.

So now you know you are to find other streams of income. How do you do that?

1) Sit down and write out your strengths, gifts, talents, and skills.

Your Strengths, Talents, Gifts are your natural ability given to you by God, everyone has them.

Your Skills are the sharpening of your gifts they are always learned and sharpened.

You can be a Born and Gifted Driver, but to become a Skilled Driver, you have to sharpen up that gift or skill with what is required in your day and age, in this case the 21st Century that is going to help you earn a living.

The thing about your skill set is that it must be recognized as valuable to your potential customers who you want to exchange value with and you want to pay you.

Money and Finance is NOT Emotional.

It doesn’t empathize with you and it will not come to you because you are in tears, you have to learn the Science of attracting “money” and ultimately wealth by understanding that Money gravitates towards VALUE.

Your Take Home Assignment ahead of the next installment to be shared next time is;

What is my VALUE?

– What Value do I currently have that is relevant to solving people’s problems?

– What are my gifts and talents and how can I sharpen these gifts to become skills that makes me earn?

– Who are my Target Audience who will benefit and be blessed by what I have to offer?

Let’s start with that.

In the next installment,

We would talk about PROBLEM SOLVING, define VALUE and it’s direct correlation to making you money.

This series will practically help you Make More Money (Increase your income) if only you practice what you are learning.

Many people just want money, *they don’t want to solve any problem.

It doesn’t work that way.

You solve problems, and you get money, even in difficult situations and inflation.

By solving problems, you are also attracting money, and money should be attracted, not chased.

See you in the next installment (Nextweek Thursday)

This Financial Educational piece was written by;

SAGENEL (Nkechi Emmanuel-Layode) 2024©️

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How to move your finances from a place of financial struggles to a place of place of financial soaring in the midst of poverty, hardship, and inflation in Nigeria

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