Title – Problem Solving and its direct correlation to making you more money.

The best way to think of problem-solving and value creation is like this: Every day or at least every week, you spend money to purchase something that you need and consider important in your life. Whether it is a bag of water, food items, groceries, or calling the electrician to repair something for you in your home, there is always a need to spend money at least every week for something in this world.

Those people who you call or who you go to, to give your money to get your needs met, are solving a problem that you have. You spend money because you absolutely need to, not just because you want to. Whether it is with your children’s school, transportation, food items, or services rendered to you.

So the BIG QUESTION and the point I am actually trying to make is, if you spend money with other people, you give your money to other people who serve your needs, what is stopping you from being the person that other people give money to as a result of a real problem you are serving?

This is the FOUNDATION of Problem Solving. You spend money every day, every week, because the people you give money to are absolutely solving your problems.

Are you absolutely solving the problems of anyone at the moment?

There is a whole advanced breakdown to problem solving, but I will give the basic edition in this series.

To be able to make money in and out of season and rise above the inefficiency of the Government, you have to absolutely position yourself to solve problems that have the ability to make you money if not every day, every week.

Everywhere we look, there are people daily solving needs, from the food industry to the medical industry to the transportation industry and so many other services. You can absolutely position yourself into one of these many industries and increase your income.

In part one, there were some questions you were supposed to answer to help point you towards your interest and choice areas towards making more money, uncovering your value according to your gifts. Have you been able to answer these questions?

If you haven’t, please go back to answer them. This will help you determine what other businesses and streams of income you should be considering. This is absolutely something you have to work out yourself.

When thinking about solving problems and uncovering the value you have to offer, remember that you can also do it in partnership with other people. If you are currently in a season where you might not have time to do the business or render the services yourself, you can partner with someone who does and find a way to absolutely move forward in solving problems and making a profit.

In the next installment, we would be learning some problem-solving ideas that you can get into in Nigeria that will help you increase your streams of income and help you make more money in this very tough economy.

Remember, money is not emotional. It doesn’t respond to tears, frustrations, fears, or pity.

Money gravitates towards value and problem-solving, and making more money is not about “chasing money” but about throwing yourself into strategically solving problems and adding real value to people’s lives. No matter how slow it starts, if you keep at it, you will start attracting money that will steadily build wealth for you with this elevated mindset and momentum.

See you in the next installment next week Thursday.

This Post was Created, Written and Shared by, SAGENEL (Nkechi Emmanuel-Layode) 2024©️

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Title – Problem Solving and its direct correlation to making you more money.

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