Managing Being A Wife, Mum An An Employee

Marriage, Career and being a mom can be exhausting, and for some, it’s a struggle

doing everything within their power to maintain a good work-life balance, keeping the home

, taking care of their kids and having time for themselves.

Did I just hear you say you are tired and exhausted? First you deserve all the applause,

I mean how do you juggle being a wife; your husband is your baby o, then being a mom.

Now imagine you have more than a kid, that’s enough work already, then you still have a 9-5.

I need you to clap for yourself. 

Honestly combining all these can be exhausting most times, I mean it literally seems as though

you don’t have a life of your own and you are living everyone’s life. 

Pause and take a deep breath, it’s okay to get tired and sometimes take a break to pull yourself back together.

Here are 5 major ways you can deal with it:

1. Put your trust in God:

The truth is your strength may fail you. You should write these verses out and paste

them on your wall, either in the kitchen or in your study room.

When I am afraid,

I put my trust in you.

In God, whose word I praise,

in God, I trust; I shall not be afraid.

What can flesh do to me?”

-Psalm 56:3-4

The LORD is my strength and my shield;

in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;

my heart exults,

and with my song I give thanks to him.”

-Psalm 28:7

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight your paths.”

-Proverbs 3:5-6

A life without Jesus is nothing, so when next you feel overwhelmed about your

home and career, look unto Jesus to help you out, and he will always come through for you. 

Your home, kids and career are your ministry: The moment you no longer see this as a chore

is the moment you start enjoying every bit of experience. 

2. Meet frustration with love:

Frustration is normal while juggling many responsibilities, however it should not get the better of you.

Instead of getting frustrated when your partner or child is acting reach out back to them in love.

You can make a funny face or just gently and lovingly look at them and offer them a hug. 

3. Plan weekly or monthly outings:

It’s okay to plan weekly or monthly outings with your family. This would help you bond more with them.

This a once-a-week or once a month shows your family how committed and important they are to you.

It brings more joy into your life as a family and as a couple.

4. It’s okay to take a break:

You might feel guilty wanting to try this out, but to avoid total burnouts it’s okay to take a day

and let your partner or your kid’s if they are old enough be aware of this.

Let them know that mummy is resting. 

5. It’s okay to get an external help:

You might have your reservations around this but know that it’s okay to get help.

If it means you have to hire a cook or sort please do, it even helps you to be more productive. 

These are the few tips I would be sharing with you. Which of them would you be trying out?

Please drop your responses in the comment section. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Written By:

Joy Babatayo

Managing Being A Wife, Mum An An Employee

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