When starting a business you must always plan ahead if not you may not last long in business.
A good business without plans will crumble in no time.
Here are a few tips for you.
1. Plan and create.
As a business owner you can’t just wake up and decide to post whatever you feel like on your page,
you must have sat down to know what your audience wants.
You don’t share what you feel like sharing, you share what will benefit your audience.
Planning helps you foresee.
2. Create Engaging Content
When thinking of creating contents, think of engagements.
You can share a story of how you started and where you started.
3. Your content must educate, inform your audience what makes your product or service unique.
You can educate them on how to use your products.
4. You must design with your audience in mind. Your brand colour must be appealing.
You can also share a new product or service that you will be introducing soon.
You can also let them know about upcoming events or sales.
Written By:
Joy Babatayo